








OSU CORE is offering free monthly webinars addressing topics focused on training, employee hiring and retention, industry best practices, and innovative science impacting ski areas. Sessions feature leading industry professionals sharing their own experiences and successes to provide resources, connections, and create a community of practice for the ski industry.

Register to attend free, or receive the recording after the live event.



JUNE 26, 2024  |  12 PM PST

The Power of Mentorship

Featured speaker: Kari Brandt, Safety Coordinator and Patrol Director at Diamond Peak Resort and President of Women of Patrol

What would happen if we mentored our new hires instead of hazing our rookies? The ski industry already requires a certain level of grit to be successful as an employee, so why make it any harder?

In this webinar, you will learn about the power of mentorship in the workplace and how these connections can make your organization’s teams more productive and resilient.







OCTOBER 25, 2023  |  11 AM PST

Being The Change @ Work | Smart DEI Advocacy & Allyship

Featured speaker: Damaris Patterson Price 

When it comes to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), you want to do the right thing. Your values dictate it. But effectively driving positive, inclusive change at work is much easier said than done. Pushing a change that's too big is politically dangerous; too small, and it's ineffectual. You want to do something, but what? And how?  

Being The Change @ Work | Smart DEI Advocacy & Allyship answers: How to effectively advocate for inclusive change in the right way at the right level at work. In this session, Frontline and mid-level managers, assistant managers, HR professionals, Administrative leaders and staff, as well as mid-level employees, will discover:

  • The structural, functional, and tactical distinctions and challenges of DEI at different levels of maturity in your organization, and how to assess yours. 
  • Given your level of influence, strategic ways to approach championing inclusive change while effectively managing the political risk.
  • The tools for DEI advocacy at a level appropriate to your role.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2023  |  11 AM PST

Effective Interviewing Skills for Ski Areas

Featured speaker: Matt Troskey, HR and People Management Professional

This session will provide you interview practices that will help you level up and improve your hiring results. With 22 years in resort HR roles, from HR manager to VP, Matt will explore topics including covering non-negotiables, delaying your intuition to avoid bias, reciprocal Q&A, and becoming more equitable in your approach. 



AUGUST 30, 2023  |  11 AM PST

The Future of Snow Grooming: Electric Groomers

Featured speaker: Colin B. Hales, Regional Manager, PistenBully
Presented by PistenBully

As environmental sustainability becomes a higher priority, transitioning from fuel to electric-powered mountain equipment is in our near future. A large amount of carbon emissions on ski areas derives from snow grooming equipment. Hear from manufacturer PistenBully about the new electric vehicles coming on the market now and the technology behind electric groomers.  



JULY 26, 2023  |  11 AM PST

Incident Investigations: Best (and worst) Practices

Featured speaker: Kari Brandt, Ski Patrol Director, Diamond Peak, NV, President/Founder - Women of Patrol

We are all trying to learn the best ways to protect ourselves in litigation, with incident investigations being one of those important methods. Learn about incident investigation from an operations employee perspective and some methods/techniques for gathering and assembling good documentation. If you do incident investigations at your resort, come prepared to share some about your process! 



JUNE 28, 2023  |  11 AM PST

Changing the Face of Mountain Operations: Women in Leadership

Featured panelists: 
Allison Marriner - Slope Grooming Manager at Mt. Hood Meadows
Janna Allen - Patrol Director and Risk Manager at Brundage
Eva Graves - Dispatch Manager & Mountain Operations Assistant at Palisades Tahoe
Maria Carnevale - Lift Maintenance Technician at Mt. Hood Meadows
Mel Toney - VP of Mountain Operations at Mt. Hood Meadows

Hear from a panel of women working in a variety of mountain operations fields. Learn more about the current climate for women in these fields and the changing face of women in the industry. In this session panelists will share their experiences and discuss how to encourage more women into the world of mountain operations.



MAY 31, 2023  |  11 AM PST

Emotional Intelligence on the Mountain

Featured speaker: Liz Hicks, Talent Manager, Mt. Bachelor Oregon

We've always been told to keep emotions out of work. But how do you ignore the most basic of the human experience? Emotions touch every human interaction, including communication, leadership, and collaboration. It isn't a matter of taking emotions out of the equation, but rather learning to understand, navigate, and leverage them to pave the way for growth and success for ourselves and those around us. Developing our own emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to recognize and manage our own emotions (as well as the emotions that affect the relationships around us), allows us to do just that.






Every session is recorded and sent to everyone who registers. If you missed a session, fill out the form below to get the recorded sessions sent to your email.



Please contact us with any questions or ideas! 


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