National Outdoor Recreation Workforce Development Consortium

Oregon State University’s Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy is leading a national effort to form and launch a National Outdoor Recreation Economy Workforce Development Consortium.

The Consortium is made up of member colleges and universities and works in close coordination with the outdoor industry, federal government agencies, state recreation agencies and offices of outdoor recreation, and other partners. The Consortium will work with its partners to:

  • Research and identify the workforce needs of the outdoor industry
  • Develop national standards for sectors within the industry
  • Assist members in developing or scaling up curriculum and programming consistent with those national standards to create a clear and wide pathway into outdoor industry careers for students of all backgrounds


The National Outdoor Recreation Economy Workforce Development Consortium coordinates and directs research, programs, and resources for the development and adoption of national outdoor industry workforce standards, training, curriculum, and job matching programs to meet the needs of the outdoor recreation economy and expand economic opportunity for all people.


National coordination between colleges and universities, the outdoor industry, federal government agencies, state recreation agencies and offices of outdoor recreation, and other partners to educate and train a highly competent, diverse, and equitable outdoor industry workforce that supports a strong and sustainable outdoor recreation economy, which in turn bolsters health and economic opportunities in both urban and rural communities.

Outdoor Industry Partnerships and Coordination

In order to fully understand and address the workforce needs of the outdoor industry at a national level, coordination between educational institutions and the outdoor industry is critical. This is the only way to create a clear and wide path into outdoor industry careers.

This collaboration will benefit:

  • Each participating school as they develop outdoor recreation related programming
  • Students who will have access to new and exciting educational opportunities and careers
  • The outdoor industry, which will have a well-qualified and diverse applicant field to fill positions at their companies, agencies, and organizations
OSU April Event-51



Diverse Consortium Membership

Outreach efforts to grow membership in the Consortium are focused on ensuring the participation of schools that are already invested in outdoor industry-related education programs, schools interested in developing their own future programming, or schools without outdoor related programming but with other programs – such as marketing, business, apparel design, mechanics, or hospitality – that could lead to careers in the outdoor industry.

Outreach efforts are focused on gaining the membership of schools representing diverse student populations and geographies, specifically focusing on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Diverse Consortium membership will allow the Consortium to open doors and create pathways to outdoor industry careers for students from all backgrounds, which will in turn help the outdoor industry become more equitable and inclusive and help make outdoor spaces more welcoming.


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